




中文 从“合作原则”看英语国家与非英语国家的商人在对待客服时候的差异
英文 To Analysis Different Attitudes Towards Custom Service Between English-spoken Businessmen and Non-English-spoken Ones On Co-operative Principle.
学生姓名 xxx 专业 英语 年级 2xxx
指导教师 xx 职称 单位 xxxx学院
毕业论文写作时间 2013年 12月 1日至 2014年 5月 30日
Background and importance
With the trend of economic globalization, China's has become one of the pillars of the world economy by making its foreign trade. The import and export tradings help China to be in fore in over 200 countries around the world and maintain a leading position. Obviously, the value of the foreign exchanging commercial activities is self-evident. Studying business dialogues can make business processes optimized and greatly and improve efficiency. The principle of cooperation, such as the maxim of quality, quantity relation and manner. Detailed and thorough analyses of the dialogue can enhance the understanding of Sino-foreign communication.
Present studies:
"Cooperative Principle" was proposed in a speech in 1967 at Harvard University by the famous American language philosopher, Paul Grice. Grice believes that in communication, the two sides in dialogues seem to follow certain principles in order to effectively make the communicative tasks complete intentionally or unintentionally. Thus, Grice launched "cooperative principle".
Principles of cooperation are often used in various conversational analysis. Currently, in academic dissertation, it is mainly used to analyze the conversations in a variety of books, films and videos. Business conversation analyses use less CP. This theory is worth studying in undergraduate essays.
Main content:
1.A detailed explanation of the principles of cooperation
2.Analyses of the contents of the aforementioned two kinds of traders using the principles of cooperation
To find out the difference through the analysis, so that can treat different types of partners in different ways in the future and improve efficiency.
1. The conversations is limited on skype.
2. The number of conversations of English-spoken countries is less than that of non-English-spoken one
Theoretical framework:
Study process:
1, Case extraction
2 ,Statistics
3, Comparative analysis of data
0. 引言 Introduction
0.1.The importance to study the conversations between English-spoken businessmen and non-English-spoken businessmen.
0.2.A brief introduction about the custom service received by the businessmen.
1. Literature review.
1.1 Analyses of books, ilms and videos and business emails on CP
1.2 Analyses of business conversations on other theories.
1.3 Analyses of business conversations on CP.
1.4 Advantages and disadvantages of CP.
2. Theoretical framework
2.1 CP
3. Case study
3.1 The Maxim of Quantity
3.2 The Maxim of Quality)
3.3 The Maxim of Relation
3.4 The Maxim of Manner
总体时间:6 months
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