





  在英语中,语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和谓语的关系。英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态和被动语态。主动语态(active voice) 表示主语是动作的执行者;被动语态(passive voice)表示主语是动作的承受者。如:

  Saddam is being tried. 萨达姆正在接受审判。

  The Iraqi government is trying Saddam. 伊拉克政府正在审判萨达姆。

  More and more people use computers now.(主动语态)

  Computers are more and more widely used now.(被动语态)

  English is spoken all over the world. (被动语态)





一般现在时 Am/is/aregiven
一般过去时 Was/weregiven
一般将来时 Shall/willbegiven
现在进行时 Am/is/arebeinggiven
过去进行时 Was/werebeinggiven
过去将来时 Should/wouldbegiven
现在完成时 Has/havebeengiven
过去完成时 Hadbeengiven


  如:“During the interview, were you asked questions in English?” “No, I wasn’t asked questions in English.” “面试的时候,用英语问你问题了吗?”“没有,没有用英语问我问题。”

  The origin of the universe will probably never be explained. 宇宙的起源大概永远也不会被解释清楚。

  Is the restaurant being decorated? 那家餐馆正在装修吗?

  The restaurant is not being decorated. In the fact the restaurant has never been decorated。 那家餐馆没有在装修。实际上,那家餐馆从来没有装修过。



  I felt a littlie nervous when I was being interviewed. 我接受面试的时候,有点紧张。

  These fighters are imported from Russia. 这些战斗机是从俄国进口的。

  That place has been turned into a swimming pool. 那个地方已被变成游泳池。


  He’s said/believed/reported to be in the U. S. A. 据说/据信/据报道他在美国。


  It is said that……. 据说

  It is reported that……. 据报道

  It is hoped that……. 希望

  It is believed that……. 人们相信

  It is announced that……. 据宣布

  it is (well) known that……. 众所周知

  It has been decided that……. 已经决定

  It is supposed that……. 人们认为

  It is suggested that……. 有人建议

  It must be remembered that……. 务必记住

  It is taken for granted that……. 被视为当然


  1、我喜欢做饭。“ I like cooking. ”

  本句中,“like”(喜欢)是谓语。“cooking”(做饭)是宾语,用动名词形式。又如:“ He likes cooking. ”在英语中。谓语动词经常随着主语的人称、数而变化,但动名词作宾语时是不变的。

  2、对我来说,学英语不容易。“ It\' s not easy for me to learn English.”

  3、从太空看,地球是个蓝色的球体。 “Seen from the space, the earth is a blue sphere.”

  请比较这些句子的中英文。在这几个汉语句子中,做饭、学英语、从太空看分别作句子的宾语、主语和状语,但是其动词形式“做”、“学”、“看”没有变化。而在这几句英语中,“做饭”变成了cooking, “学”变成了to learn,“看”变成了seen.


  以上英语句子中cooking, to learn, seen 等具有动词特征,但是在句子中不能作谓语的动词形式,就叫动词的非谓语形式,也叫非谓语动词。

  我们再比较 “I like cooking.” 与 “He likes cooking.”这两句话主语不同,谓语动词like形式变了,但意义没有变化。而cooking 没有任何变化。再看 “It is not easy for me to learn English.” 和 “It is not easy for him to learn English.” “对我”for me, “对他”for him之后的 “to learn”没有任何变化。可以看出,非谓语动词是不随人称和数的变化而变化的,它们不受人称和数的限定,所以又叫“非限定动词”。



  (1)动词不定式:to study (to + 动词原形)

  (2)分词:studying (现在分词)、studied (过去分词)

  (3)动名词:studying (形式与现在分词相同)



形态 主动 被动
动词不定式 一般 Towrite Tobewritten
进行 Tobewriting
完成 Tohavewritten Tohavebeenwritten
完成进行 Tohavebeenwriting
现在分词和动名词 一般 Writing Beingwritten
完成 Havingwritten Havingbeenwritten
一般 written

  A、 动词不定式

  其形式是“to+动词原形”。 to是不定式符号,无词义。其否定式是在to前面加上not, never等否定词。 不定式可以有自己的逻辑主语,由for引出,加在不定式短语前面。


  如果不定式逻辑上的主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者,这个不定式一般要用被动语态。疑问词(who, whom,whose, what, which, when, where, why, how还包括whether)等后面加不定式构成不定式短语,可做主语,表语,宾语等。

  (一)作主语。 在不定式短语作主语的句子中,往往用 it 作形式主语,而不把不定式短语放在句子的后面。如:

  To die like that is a terrible thing.=It is a terrible thing to die like that.

  象那样死去是一件可怕的事。( it 作形式主语,把真正的主语to die like that放在后面)

  To know oneself is difficult.=It’s difficult to know oneself.


  To tell a lie is not always easy.= It’s not always easy to tell a lie.


  Never to offend anyone is my principle. 永远不得罪任何人就是我的原则。

  It’s against nature to remain single. 保持单身是违反自然的。

  To see is to believe.   眼见为实。

  For a dog to die like that is a terrible thing. = It is a terrible thing for a dog to die like that.

  一条狗象那样死去是一件可怕的事。(for a dog是不定式的主语)

  For one to know everything is impossible.= It’s impossible for one to know everything.


  For his brother John to go to sea seems natural.= It seems natural for his brother John to go to sea. 他


  It’ll be a great shame for you to forget her. 你要是把她忘了,那可太不应该了。

  It’s not proper for us not to accept the invitation. 我们不接受邀请不合适。(否定)

  It has not yet been decided when and where to discuss her resignation. 何时何地讨论她的辞职还没定。

  但是,下列形容词做表语时,不定式的逻辑主语由 of 引出:

  careless粗心的,clever聪明的,cruel残忍的,foolish愚蠢的,good好的,kind好心的 ,naughty淘气的,nice好的,polite礼貌的,right正确的,rude无礼的 ,silly愚蠢的,stupid傻的,unwise不明智的,wise明智的,wrong错误的,等等。

  为什么这些词要用 of 引出不定式呢?

  因为这些形容词都是描写人的性格和特点的形容词。“It is + 形容词 +of sb. + to do sth.”这样的句型更强调某人如何如何,可以改写为:“Sb. + be + 形容词 + to do sth.” 而“for sb to do sth.”这一结构更强调做某事如何如何。例如:

  1、 It is difficult for me to learn English. 更强调学英语很难,不能写成I am difficult to learn English. (这句话含有逻辑错误。)

  2、 It is unwise of you to go to the United States at this time. =You are unwise to go to the United States at this time. 强调你不明智。

  It’s very kind of you to come to see us off. =You’re kind to come to see us off. 你来为我们送行太好了。

  It’s unwise of him to drink and smoke so much.=He is unwise to drink and smoke so much. 他喝这么多酒、抽这么多烟是不明智的。

  It’s extremely cruel of John to kill animals. John杀害动物真是残忍之极。

  It’s rude/polite of Jack to say this to her.  Jack对她说这个,很无礼/礼貌。


  extend vt致I would like to extend a warm welcome to visitors. 我想对来访者表示热烈的欢迎。

  竭尽全力Tom didn’t really have to extend himself to the examination.汤姆真没必要全力去考试。

  extent n程度;限度;范围[U][the S]To a certain extent, I am responsible for the delay. 在一定程度上,我对拖延负有责任。

  extinguish vt 使失效【律】偿清Titles to the estate has not been extinguished.财产的所有权尚未失效。

  extract vt设法得到(情报等) 利用...获得The police extracted some information from the thief. 警察从小偷问出一些情况。

  extraordinary adj非同寻常的, 特别的;额外安排的, 临时的

  A trunk is extraordinary long! 象的鼻子特别的长!

  There will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday to discuss the emergencresolution.


  eye n眼力,鉴赏力He has a quick eye for mistakes. 他一眼就能看出错误。

  vt看注视He eyed every change in the stock market. 他密切注视证券交易所的每一变化。

  fable n无稽之谈[C]That is a mere fable. 那是无稽之谈。

  大众谈资[the S]She became the chief fable of the town. 她成了镇上的中心话题。

  vt虚构;撒谎[(+about)]He fabled about his lot. 他编造自己的身世。

  facility n 方便便利;灵巧娴熟

  By expanding our equipment, staff, and facility we could attract new customers while offering our present customers additional and faster services.


  His facility with languages is amazing. 他运用语言的熟练程度实在是惊人。

  fail vt有负于,抛弃.His friends failed him when he needed their help most. 当他最需要帮助的时,他的朋友们却辜负了他。

  fairly adv相当地, 适度地This is a fairly easy book.这是一本相当地容易的书。

  完全地, 简直It fairly destroyed the machine.它将那部机器完全毁了。

  familiar adj 随便的冒昧的放肆的His manner is too familiar. 他的态度太随便了。

  fancy adj别致的, 花式的, 花哨的The dress is too fancy for me.这件服装我穿太花哨了。

  [美](商品, 特指食品)特选的; 特制的; 高档的.(价格)过高的;昂贵的[B]

  The store sells fancy fresh fruits. 这商店出售特级鲜果。

  He sells poor goods and charges fancy prices. 他出售的商品很糟,要价却非常昂贵。






