



  The Science Of The Siesta


  When you go back to work or class after lunch, why is it so hard to stay awake?


  Although we get energy from food, we also use lots of energy to digest it. Your energy use increases 25-50% as you digest a meal. With all that action going on in the digestive system, the body sends extra blood to the gut to supply oxygen and other necessities.


  How does the body know when to do this?


  As food enters the stomach, the intestines secrete substances that dilate, or expand, the blood vessels that supply them with blood. As a result, more blood flows to the upper digestive tract, and there’s a bit less to go around to the rest of the body. That might make your arms and legs and brain feel a little sluggish!


  At the same time, the small intestine releases a hormone that activates the part of the brain that controls sleep, making you drowsy. Finally, the natural components in foods can also contribute to the snooze effect. Certain foods, especially carbohydrates, increase production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin works both to stop sugar craving, and to make you very relaxed. The larger the meal, the more pronounced that feeling can be. With all of these physiological reasons why we might feel sleepy after eating, a siesta after lunch sounds like a brilliant idea, and maybe after dinner and breakfast too!



  How Do Iceboxes Work?


  Back when most folks relied on an icebox to cool food, a block of ice was a precious commodity. If you put hot food in the icebox, the ice might melt. And by the time the ice truck came through the neighborhood again, all your food may have spoiled. To preserve the ice as long as possible, people made sure to cool hot foods before putting them in the icebox.

  以前,当大多数人们需要倚赖冰盒来冷却食物的时候,一块冰块就是一件珍贵的商品。如果你把热气腾腾的食物放入冰盒,冰 块会融化。等到运送冰块的卡车再次穿过街区的时候,你所有需要冷藏的食物也许都已经腐坏了。为了让冰块保存得尽可能长久,人们在确保食物冷却之后再将其放 入冰盒。

  All About Iceboxes


  These days, before putting hot food in the fridge, many people cool it on the kitchen counter, just as generations before did in the icebox days. But now there’s no precious block of ice to preserve, and refrigerators are designed to handle food hot off the stove or out of the oven.


  Hot food may make the refrigerator’s motor run a little longer to bring the temperature back down, but that doesn’t overwork the motor. And chilling food as soon as possible can help prevent food poisoning. Here’s why.




  Warm food is the perfect environment for bacteria to multiply. Chill the food, though, and the party’s over, because cooler temperatures slow or stop bacterial growth. Our bodies normally handle small doses of bacteria in food, but what can give you food poisoning is large numbers of harmful bacteria. The sooner you chill food, the sooner any harmful bacteria that may be in it will stop multiplying. With a refrigerator, you can chill hot foods right away. But the principle’s the same as in the icebox days-the longer food stays cold, the less chance it has to spoil.

  有 一定热度的食物是细菌繁殖的最佳圣地。让我们把食物冷却,那样,细菌分裂活动就会停止。因为较低的温度会减慢或阻止细菌的成长。我们的身体通常能应付食物 中的少量细菌,但是有害细菌的大量存在会让您食物中毒。越早冷却食物,其中可能包含的有害细菌就能越快停止繁殖。有冰箱在身边,您可以迅速冷却烫手的食 物。不过在冰盒年代,这个道理同样适用。食物冷藏的时间越长,它发生腐坏的可能就越小。






